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blues 12 and 18

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years ago

School Day Blues


by Students 12 and 18


Woke up this morning

Hoping for some good news.

Feeling all weird and funny.

Looks like a bad case of school day blues.


Went to the kitty litter and scooped up the pooh,

I couldn't find the pooper scooper,

My hand is covered in pooh; where is the cat going to go?

Now it looks like school day blues.


The bus ran over his paw,

Oh, my gaw!

Didn't know what I could do because the cat broke his paw,

Don't you just hate school day blues?


Walk to school wearing

ugly blue shirt I touched

my shirt and it turned to dirt;

Why, why, why school day blues.


Looks like it's going to be a bad day

That's what I said and it I knew.

All because I woke up this morning

With a bad case of school day blues!



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