Procedures for Classroom Atmosphere, Attitude, and Attention
In order to establish a positive learning environment, and to continue to meet high standards, students are expected to follow the school student expectations and goals, as well as classroom rules.
Print out and sign a copy of this page to show you agree to and understand expected procedures.
Be kind.
Be respectful.
Be safe.
Be productive.
Each day bring to each class:
Projects (Assignments)
1. Try your hardest and do your best.
2. Help others and yourself to learn.
3. Manage yourself.
4. Treat others with kindness and respect.
5. Take care of property.
Active Listening

Cooperative Learning Standards
While working on the computer or in teams or groups, use Cooperative Learning Standards:
1. Practice active listening
2. Help and encourage others
3. Everyone participates
4. Explain your ideas and tell why
5. Complete tasks
Internet Procedures
Remember the procedures for using the Internet:
1. Follow the directions for the task.
2. Click on links that help you complete the task (ignore ads, banners, embedded ads, pop-ups, pop-outs, etc.).
3. Ignore ads, banners, embedded ads, pop-ups, pop-outs, etc. (see rule 2).
4. If something displays that is inappropriate, let your teacher know. S/he will help you back out of it.
5. Use cooperative learning standards.
6. When finished with the task, return to your desk area to write or complete another assigned task.
Team Computer Procedures
Remember the procedures for team computer use:
Each team member chooses roles (Composer and Clicker must be different people):
All team members collaborate to decide the input for the screen, paper, and reflection.
Reader and Discussion Director: reads the task and screen; asks questions to group about task; asks "What else?"
Composer/Editor: inputs keyboard with team decisions
Proofreader: Checks input on screen and paper for accuracy in conventions (capitals, punctuation, spelling, etc.)
Clicker (alias Mickey): moves mouse with team decisions
Reflecter: takes notes/writes assignment (sometimes everyone writes) based on team decisions
Morale Officer: uses encouraging words ("Good idea; keep going; we're almost there; etc.)
Statistician: ensures data is correct in content (the research, ideas, facts)
Group Reflection Sheet
Download a group reflection sheet
Independent Project Expectations
independent choice expect.doc
CARE Rules
Ms. Edwards's Expectations
Work Ethics
Signed (student):
Signed (guardian):
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