Quarter 2 Lessons
First Quarter Lessons
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
Power Write
SB: page 3 End punctuation
Power Write
SB: . ? !
Write a paragraph about coldest experience; include two !
Power Write
Skillbook review -- continue sharing coldest experience and ! use.
Power Write
Lesson I-1 Authority List
SB 4 punctuation and follow up
Add to Authority List
Lesson I-4 Dig up buried stories
SB 4 and follow up
Power Write from Map
Lesson I-12 Free-Write for Specifics (choosing strong writing)
Follow up p. 4: Superman problem
Share stories
Lesson I-17 Anchoring the General with Support
Brave Young Man: How to ask questions for details
Add questions to stories
Power Write about eagles -- be specific
Ask questions; add details; rewrite
Alternative Assignments
entry--Spelling practice
Poetry Reading and Sharing
Powerful Language Posters
Entry: Read poetry and use as pattern for own poem
Lesson I-17 Anchoring the General with Support
Projects Eagle Poetry Project
Power Write--eagles
I-17 follow up modeling-- add the support
Poetry Reading/sharing
Poetry writing and reading
Figurative Language -- simile
Projects Work -- poetry
Poetry writing and reading
Projects -- read and write poetry
23 See Sub Plans
24 and 25
Write three sentences with ACTION words
Figurative Language Review: vivid verbs, nifty nouns
Simile/Metaphor intro and practice
Find in your chosen poem and your own poems
25: write a boring sentence to your friend; rewrite it with strong verbs and nifty nouns; simile
write a boring sentence to your friend; rewrite it with strong verbs and nifty nouns
write the same idea, but to the President
Find in your chosen poem and your own poems
Discuss audience/purpose/plan
Put poems on paper for display
12/11/07 - 12/19/08 Grammar; Ideas
12/11; 12/12; 12/13
Poetry review: figurative language -- alliteration, onomatopoeia; action verbs; sensory imagery
copy poems for display;
Eagle thank you and broster
12/14 and 12/17 See Sub Plans
12/18 1/2 day now class (snow)
12/19 Dress Rehearsal
12/04 - 12/10 Grammar; Ideas
12/10 Content writing
Spelling words
Review Action verbs
Big Question--
How are golden eagles like Nespelem Eagles?
Golden Eagles:
What have you done? What did you learn? What categories? What order should you put it in?
What drawing should you make?
Finish: broster, thank you letter
12/07 Content writing
Power Write
Spelling Test
Review action verbs.
Big Question--
How are golden eagles like Nespelem Eagles?
Golden Eagles:
What have you done? What did you learn? What categories? What order should you put it in?
What drawing should you make?
Finish: broster/ thank you letter
12/06 Content writing
Big Question--
How are golden eagles like Nespelem Eagles?
Golden Eagles:
What have you done? What did you learn? What categories? What order should you put it in?
What drawing should you make?
Finish: broster/ thank you letter
12/05 Chronicle Contest Prep
Big Question--
How are golden eagles like Nespelem Eagles?
Golden Eagles:
What have you done? What did you learn? What categories? What order should you put it in?
What drawing should you make?
Finish: broster/ thank you letter
Golden Eagle Project
12/04 Chronicle Contest Prep
What is your favorite recipe?
In 50 words, describe why it's our favorite recipe or what makes it special.
11/28- 12/03 Poetry, Language, Research
12/03 Chronicle Contest Prep
Alphabet Game
What is your favorite recipe?
In 50 words, describe why it's our favorite recipe or what makes it special.
If time:
Eagle Project: facts on blue sheets, broster, thank you letter
11/30 Chronicle Contest Prep
Spelling Test
Alphabet Game
What is your favorite recipe?
In 50 words, describe why it's our favorite recipe or what makes it special.
If time:
Eagle Project: facts on blue sheets, broster, thank you letter
11/29 Chronicle Contest Prep
Alphabet Game
What is your favorite recipe?
In 50 words, describe why it's our favorite recipe or what makes it special.
11/28 Poetry and Eagles
Power Write
Two Groups:
Poetry Group:
11/14 - 11/27 Poetry, Language, Research
11/27 Poetry and Eagles
Power Write
Poetry Pieces
Alliteration, Action Verbs, Onomatopoeia
11/26 Inservice
11/21 Early Dismissal Thanksgiving
11/20 Poetry and Eagles
Power Write
Spelling -- thanksgiving words
Power Write
Spelling test
Poetry: PoetryPlaces --as time allows, complete the following:
First: Ponder Places and Topics and Ponder Poems for Places
Make a list of at least five places your team wants to place poems.
Read lots of poems. Find just the right poem for the places.
You may place a poem at anyone's place.
Use sticky notes to mark the poem (your initials; the spot to put it)
Second: Ponder Poems
Read some of the marked poems with a partner.
On a Golden Line paper, write:
the title of the poem
your favorite part
why is it your favorite part (the sound, the mind movie, the way it flows (beat/rhythm))
Continue Research Strategies---
Big Question--
How are golden eagles like Nespelem Eagles?
Golden Eagles:
What have you done? What did you learn? What categories? What order should you put it in?
What drawing should you make?
Golden Eagle Project
11/19 Poetry and Eagles
Power Write
Spelling -- thanksgiving words
Poetry: PoetryPlaces --as time allows, complete the following:
Review Walk.
First: Ponder Places and Topics:
Make a list of at least five places your team wants to place poems.
Write what kind of poem or topic of poem you want to place in each spot.
Type this information at the Poetry: Where? What? page: http://coyotetalks.pbwiki.com/Poetry:+Where?+What?
Second: Ponder Poems for Places:
Read lots of poems. Find just the right poem for the places we have listed at Poetry: Where? What?
You may place a poem at anyone's place. Just type the title of your poem on the Poetry: Where? What? page.
Third: Reflect on what you have done.
Share Golden Eagles work.
Continue research. Basketball players need to do introductory work.
Golden Eagles:
What did you know? What do you know now? What do you still want to know?
Golden Eagle Project
Big Question--
How are golden eagles like Nespelem Eagles?
11/16 Poetry and Eagles
Power Write
Spelling test
Share Golden Eagles work.
Big Question--
How are golden eagles like Nespelem Eagles?
Continue research. Basketball players need to do introductory work.
Golden Eagles:
What did you know? What do you know now? What do you still want to know?
Golden Eagle Project
Big Question--
How are golden eagles like Nespelem Eagles?
11/15 Poetry and Eagles
Power Write
Intro to Golden Eagle Project
Golden Eagles:
What did you know? What do you know now? What do you still want to know?
Golden Eagle Project
Big Question--
How are golden eagles like Nespelem Eagles?
11/14 Poetry
Power Write
Poetry: PoetryPlaces
Part 2: Read poetry, places, dedications.
Part 3: Write a positive comment.
Poetry Walk: Where could we put poems around our school?
11/5-11/13 Poetry and Writing: Details/Images Compound Sentences
11/13 Poetry Places: Images
Power Write (3x) Edit one.
Part 2: PoetryPlaces
Poetry: Poetry Places reading around the room.
Find images
Detect purpose.
Detect audience.
Analyze dedications.
Appropriate comments
Part Two
Go to one poem to:
Read a part of the poem again.
Why was that poem placed in that spot?
What audience would read it there?
What purpose does the poem share in this spot?
Could it fit in another spot?
What does the dedication do?
If time
Part Three
Silent comment sheet under each poem.
Write a positive comment about what you like about this poem.
11/12 Veterans Day
No School
11/9 Poetry Places: Images; Veteran's Pow Wow
11/8 & 9 Poetry Places: Images
Power Write (3x) Edit one.
Part 1 Review: PoetryPlaces
Poetry: Poetry Places reading around the room.
Find images
Detect purpose.
Detect audience.
Analyze dedications.
Appropriate comments
If time, start Part Two
Go to one poem to:
Read a part of the poem again.
Why was that poem placed in that spot?
What audience would read it there?
What purpose does the poem share in this spot?
Could it fit in another spot?
What does the dedication do?
11/7 Compound Sentences; Geo-caching
Power Write
Geo-caching Information
Write compound sentences about geo-caching.
11/6 Geo-caching
Power Write
Geo-caching Information
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